Hanieh Shahidi
A Critical Study on Two Current Poetry Translation Models and Introducing an Exhaustive Poetry Translation Model
Hanieh Shahidi, Department of English Translation, Quchan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Quchan, Iran
The basis of this project was to present an exhaustive framework as a measure of assessment for poetry translation. The foundation of the suggested poetry translation model is based on two available poetry translation models which are not believed to cover all the requisite poetry elements. The researcher made some critical comments about the identity of Dastjerdi, Hakim Shafaie and Jannenari’s model and Kharmandar and Karimnia’s model; ultimately the researcher settled on the suggested model which is a combination of two models. The suggested model is made up of two comprehensive levels: linguistic level and extra-linguistic level. This classification is due to the nature of language relativity and its linguistic and/or cultural impacts on poetry translation. Each level has been designed to cover different elements. The lion share of the linguistic level has been mostly adopted from Dastjerdi’s model (2008) and the extra-linguistic level was believed to be a combination of Dastjerdi and Kharmandar’s model for poetry translation (2012). The linguistic model comprises form, image, word, tone, and content, the different sub categories of each one have been vividly pointed out. Regarding the extra-linguistic level, we can refer to Implicatures, Cultural Specific Elements (CSE), Poetic Specific Terms (PST), and Hermeneutical Complexity Rate (HCR). All the above mentioned elements are regarded crucial for translating any type of poetry.
Keywords: Poetry translation, poetry translation model, linguistic level, extra-linguistic level, language relativity